Archive | January, 2022

Is right and wrong the same thing as legal and illegal?

12 Jan

Is right and wrong the same thing as legal and illegal?

That is the question our parliamentarians should ask themselves every day.

That is a question we should ask ourselves every day.

We often make decisions based on the law when we know it is not compliant with right and wrong.

When Jesus said give unto Cesar what is Cesar’s and to God what is God’s, He was not talking only about money.  He was taking about a multitude of laws both religious and government based that controlled the lives of the audience to whom He was speaking. 

When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments they were simple and very self explanatory.  The men deciphering the law God gave them made the decision that laws were not adequate.  Therefore, they micromanaged and grew them to a point that the law makers could not keep the laws they had made.  

Our government today has done precisely the same thing with our constitution.  The rule now are so slanted for the rich that the not rich can’t easily survive.  However, we sometimes fail to understand how much prayer went into this document.   This is not a perfect document.  The Devil was there to add his two cents.  He created some unanswered questions and also some holes to be ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­used to his advantage.

Our Constitution, some say, is just an idealistic idea set to paper and could never be considered for real life.  Others may say it is a pattern of life that should be adhered to and even expanded as we grow.  Still others see it as an opportunity to manipulate the less knowledgeable to their will causing a riff in society to their advantage.  However, the most dangerous people are the ones that disagree with the interpretation of the laws being passed and think they have to voice to correct it.  They also think that their vote does not count, therefore they just don’t vote.

What I hope for is that the majority of citizens of the great nation register to vote which should bring this country back from chaos to a reasonable constructive government.  When that is the case the leaders will disagree but negotiate to come to reasonable conclusions. 

Who is in charge?

5 Jan

Who is in charge?

4 Jan

To find out who is charge we have to decide what is the purpose of being in charge. If we what to know who is in charge of our souls we have to determine what deity controls out souls. Also we should determine the priority we should give to what ever deity we feel is more important to our souls.

In the case of most Christians the answer is simple. Our souls belong to the one and only God that created the universe about thirteen and a half billion years ago. Everything else is temporary because we are going to be on the earth for a fraction of a second compared to eternity. If one is not a Christian one does not believe in an eternal life and only makes decisions on the life now and maybe their grand children’s lives.

Our government should take into consideration the beliefs of in majority of its constituents which is now the members of a Christian nation. Whether that majority go to church or not is not the question right now. We are a nation founded on Christian principles. Our Declaration of Independence which our nation lost many lives over and the Constitution of the United States confirm who we are and why we revolted against England.

Our present actions in our federal and state governments are clearly not living up to the principles for which our four fathers fought and died. Now we have extremist that tried to take over our capital on January 6, 2021 with the claim that they were doing what they consider the right thing to do. This incident shows how low are principles have fallen.

As a Christian we must fight our way back by voting for men and women that believe as we do that they have shown by their actions. We often vote on candidates by what they say they are going to do and discount what they have done wrong. Basically people don’t change the way they think unless they are hit with a new realization or they are paid to change they ways. That may not change their minds, but it can change what they do.

This is not a complicated problem. Right and Wrong is always simple. It is the gray areas we have problems with. If we find ourselves in a gray area all we have to do it find another answer to the question we are trying to solve. Amen?