Archive | January, 2023

God and Country 14 Do No Harm

30 Jan

I seem to remember what I believe is in the M.D. Creed which includes the phrase “First do not harm.” Sometimes when I go to a doctor I wonder if they remember that code. The doctors that take good care of me which number about six, do remember and have taken good care of this 83 year old body even when I haven’t follow their advice to the letter.

I would like it if the Senators and Representatives in our State and Federal governments to have those words added to their oaths when they are sworn into office. For instance it is ridiculous to have this fight over the economy once of twice a year. We always agree to pay for what we obligated our self to pay. We can’t do anything else. We have to pay our debts. To stall one side or the other and make adjustments under pressure that should be negotiated properly as obligations and income dictates is endangering to our economy for the next year which causes our national debt to raise even higher.

I heard a Republican Representative interviewed recently, and he said very directly that the rich should not be taxed. I wonder where his money to be elected comes from. Every Republican congress has raised our national debt more that the Democratic congresses have done. That does not mean they are not both guilty of raising the debt ceiling, but neither has addressed the infrastructure until last year. If we are having difficulty meeting our obligations now how much more difficult is it going to be if the Republicans get their way.

If we continue down the path of self destruction we will have to import everything we need for a good existence. A good deal of the problem lies in the tax benefit corporations get by supporting manufacturing outside the United States. Therefore we import more than we export which is a trade deficit. This is a subject most people don’t talk about because it is something they think is the responsibility of the rich and powerful. They are right in this thinking because it is. However they can do something about it by voting for candidates that take our way of life seriously and want to keep our nation’s wealth at home.

Let us suppose we are an island and our product is fish and pineapples. We are doing well we eat the fish we catch and sell what we don’t need to eat and the same with our pineapples. We decide to increase our production and enlist China to help us financially.

We grow to the point by borrowing funds we cannot repay but we still own our fish and pineapples, but they are mortgaged to China. We are now working for China and own nothing. That is what a trade deficit can do.

Jerrymandering voting districts is another harm caused by congress. This is an attempt to support the rich and their corporations. If our corporation actually supported the United States we would not be wearng cloths made in other countries and eating food we grow processed by foreign countries or companies owned by foreign countries.

Buying from China, Japan, France, Spain, or England is a good thing as long as we have trade balance functioning well.

Interfering in medical diagnosis is another harm caused by congress. I began my writing today with an analogy of “First do no harm”. Our medical professionals are the best in the world. We have insurance companies second guessing diagnoses of people they have never seen. Often the final diagnoses is what the insurance companies say.

We need insurance companies because prices are more than they average person cannot afford. However the insurance companies make more money from investments that they do from their prime source of insurance premiums. The insurance companies are largely unregulated.

I would have to be a lot smarter than I am to solve all these and other problems facing congress every day. Also I am just scratching the surface of what needs to be done. However, the things I have mentioned are very important.

The answer can only be solved by you and me.


26 Jan

Is predestination fact or fiction? That is a question discussed over and over though out the ages. If you read the bible logically we can get a flavor of what God Plans and what God controls.

Everything that had been made He made. That is very clear through out the bible. However, it is also clear that in every human being there are two parts that depend on each other. One is the body which most people understand and the soul or spirit that we all have whether we are Christians or not.

The prophets tell us many times how their soul was placed in the body sometimes before they were conceived. That soul is dependent on the body to make good decisions for the soul’s well being both now and for eternity. Our ability to make decisions is a key to predestination. We can either make decisions or we can’t. If we can make decisions the predestination doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Another thought is God creates the good things and also the bad things. We are taught that God is love. We are taught that God loves everyone. The idea that God loves every one of us and creates bad things to happen to us is a contradiction in terms.

Does God use bad things that happen to His advantage. Yes He does. It happens over and over. Can God predict the future? Certainly He knows when bad things are going to happen because He know what Satan is doing all the time. He know men are weak and will sin if Satan has his way. However, causing men to make the decision to see does not follow, I my opiinion, good Christian thinking.

We have to believe He wants people to come to heaven. If that is true He would not make them have an opportunity to sin. If you follow the predestination idea through it would not just be an opportunity to sin, but God forcing us to sin. If predestination is a fact then we have no choices and therefore we could not make the decision to be saved and follow Jesus’ teachings.

My God that loves me would not let that happen to anyone.

God and County 13 Concept and Spirit of the Constitution

24 Jan

Today we as a nation are struggling with the concept and the spirit of the Constitution. Many times the courts including the Supreme Court does not take into consideration the importance of the Spirit of the Constitution.

The spirit of the Constitution is that we the people were not being treated fairly. The Bill of Rights clearly says that there are certain right everyone should have.

It is also clear also that the Colonies were created by Europe and many situations were hard for a few good men to address. All the economic challenges could not be satisfied in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. The founders chose to put a spirit in Constitution that could be resolved later. Race was a factor discussed then as I am sure other specific items were debated.

Even at that time in history we agreed that some changes had to be made. They also agreed that it could not be just one way or the other. Even today begin the sessions of Congress with a prayer to our sovereign God that gave us this country.

Yes, God was definitely behind our victories. There is no way we should have won the Revolutionary War. The British had already had the country divided up even to the end of the war. In other words they knew they would win.

By the time the War of 1812 came along, the citizens had already tasted freedom, so loosing was not an option.

When the Civil War or War Between the States came along, depending on which side you were on, God seemed to support the Union I believe because it was His plan to have freedom in this nation.

When World War I came it became clear that we wanted freedom for all nations.

When World War II came we still wanted freedom for all nations. However, if Ramel and Yamamoto had not been taken out of those two wars early on, we could have lost both fronts.

The spirit of the Constitution has been preserved by believers over the last two plus centuries. The spirit of 1776 must win or we lose it all. Congress needs to understand.

Bless God and bless these United States.

God and Country 12

21 Jan

Are Christians Who are Political Following God’s Plan

I am sure to an extent there are some following His plan. Many are not. What do I mean by following God’s Plan. If my outlook on life does not include loving my fellow man as I should I am not following God’s Plan.

Am I guilty of not following God’s Plan? I am absolutely guilty. Many Christian preachers I have heard down through my 83 years have said over and over that we are born with a sinful nature and must go through a set of value teaching to become good. I believe the opposite is true. We are born innocent and are taught to sin.

Jesus said to bring the little children to me for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

To illustrate there was a song from Rodgers and Hammerstein’s ‘South Pacific’ that explains discrimination very well.

You’ve got to be taught, to hate and fear

You’ve got to be taught from year to year.

It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear

You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be taught, to be afraid

Of people whose eyes are oddly made

And people whose skin is a different shade

You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late

Before you are six or seven or eight

To hate all the people your relatives hate

You’ve got to be carefully taught

You’ve got to be carefully taught

I believe our values are given to us by God when our spirit is united with our body still in the womb because God is preparing our soul to be with Him in heaven.

Decisions we make here are what make us heavenly bound or not. The pride someone has that is clearly against God personal value above what God intended condemns our soul.

To say that it depends on us to make a decision to fee the poor, educate our children, protect our country, and not be a beacon to other cultures is also saying that we have everything we have because of our cleaver action and not because God gave us the opportunity to grow and prosper.

That is pride that I can’t accept. I am causation which is to say I am white, at least for last few generations. Am a male. I cannot view the world as a Woman, A Black person, a Poor person, a Rich person, a Menially Ill person, or any of the various ways we judge each other. That makes me prejudice. I don’t want to be, but I am. The difference between me and many others is I want to be different.

Congress needs to get to the point of caring and believing, before we can win as a nation as God intended.

How Does 11 God Fit or Does He?

19 Jan

I titled these messages God and Country because I believe God comes first; family comes second; country comes third; and I come last. Our constitution solidifies those values, and if we swear an oath to the constitution whether or not you believe in God, you swear to God’s values.

The only God that sets His values based on the love of each other is the God of Abraham and the prophets that came after Him. Those prophets predicted the birth, life, and death of Jesus. I am not saying that the other religions are wrong. I am saying that if they are based on God’s love for everyone, they just don’t support the value system that God clearly gave our founding fathers based their beliefs into the United States Constitution.

I believe our forefathers understood that they were sinners that needed to set values for other sinners like them. I believe the constitution was written with the idea that those values be preserved as the nation grew. They did not expect the nation to remain status quo, and they didn’t expect the constitution to remain status quo. However they did expect our values to remain status quo as the nation grew.

As there was diversity in our country then, there is much diversity in our country now. Only the early country would only tolerate a certain degree of flamboyance. Now the country tolerates more.

This is not the values God placed in the hands of our forefathers when they wrote the constitution. I was speaking with a woman that voted for Trump when I asked her, “how could you vote for a man that said I could grab a woman by her private parts and get away with it?” She said, I just thought that was man talk. That statement bothered me then and still bothers me today.

If a man does not respect a woman, does he respect a man that is not equal to him? Does men and women that follow his line of thinking respect the rights of people who are of a lesser station than they believe they are? If they don’t respect each other, do they respect the law, or do they just use the law to support bad actions done by them?

These are question one must ask themselves in order to restore the values we once had.

God and Country 9 Congress Misdirection

16 Jan

I get in arguments concerning the classified documents found in Trump’s offices or Biden’s office outside the White House or other current places they should be stored. Republicans immediately take the side of Trump and Democrats take the side of Biden. All the time I am thinking they are both wrong. Classified documents should have been kept under guarded lock and key all the time. Top Secrets with armed guards protecting the information.

We get so wrapped up in parties that we forget the country’s interest. I am sure there is a proper manner written down that says how classified material should be handled whether a designation of Confidential is the or top secrete. The circumstances of both presidents were different, but they were both wrong.

We can point fingers from now on but it doesn’t run the great nation. I saw a pole that classified people confidence in out congress. The pole related congress under the confidence they had in used car salesmen.

Our Senators and members of the House of Representatives should be the most revered people in our nation. They make all of our decisions and control all of our money and assets.

They are about to vote on raising the limit of our national debt. Some are saying the are not going to support raising the debt when they or their colleges are the ones that created the debt. There should be no bargaining there. The bill should be decided on its merits with nothing attached. Bills to changed the next debt limit should be passed in normal sessions later. New bills concerning the budget should not be decided under pressure by either party.

Congress will take precious time away from important issues to deal with classified material that is already being serviced by the Justice Department.

I implore congress to grow up and be citizens of this country first and members of your party second.

God and Country 9 Oath to the Constitution

15 Jan

In 1956 I swore an oath to God and Country to defend the United States Constitution. As a young Christian who also learned the history of our country in a college prep high school. Although I didn’t learn the bad struggles the country had until later, I believed I was putting my life between the evil world and my fellow citizens to defend them and the Constitution from tyranny. Although I never saw action even though I served for two years active duty in the Navy aboard a Destroyer. Our flotilla guarded the Shark as it went under the ice and was ready to go to Lebanon during the crisis there. No man aboard ship was hesitating either possibility. Our oath was absolute.

The oath taken by members of our government is no less sacred that the oath swore by every military member swears today. I don’t know if all government workers have to swear or affirm the oath, but if they don’t they should.

Our Supreme Court says one doesn’t have to swear, “so help me God”, but if one can’t swear by something sacred to them, they should not be allowed in the government position they are seeking. Again we tend to drift away from the idea behind the Constitution.

God and Country 8 the Concept of the Bill of Rights

14 Jan

First Amendment

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Restricting the right to worship any time or any place under any condition is an affront to the basic idea of ‘Prohibiting to free exercise thereof’. This our Supreme Court did thi, and our Congress didn’t challenge their decision. The idea was clearly freedom to worship even though the public disapproved. Nowhere in this document does it give a non believer any rights other than they just don’t have to participate until the Supreme Court made their decision.

The January 6th group held; they had a right to act as they did although people were killed and injured, also there was no petition of grievance.

Second Amendment

2. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The January 6th group also use the 2nd amendment as justification for what they did. Again they were wrong. There are two regulated militias in the United States. The US army and the National Guard. There are many gun clubs and organizations that could be incorporated in one of the states’ national guard, but the clubs themselves are not the well regulated militia this amendment mentioned here.

3. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

There seems to be not problem here, but could be a concern if we had a state of revolution.

4. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

We understand this is a good idea, but is sometimes used when an obvious felony has occurred. It is too complicated for me to discuss.

Fifth Amendment

5. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.

The 5th amendment is over used but is necessary.

Sixth Amendment

6. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed; which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

In the case of criminal activities this amendment is fine, but in the case of drug addition and mental health these rights are mostly violated. Therefore, the guilt is assumed and the difference in drug addiction and mental health is ignored. At that point the victim is the incarcerated person.

This does not mean crimes should be excused, but when treatment is necessary it should be given.

7. In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of common law.

The amount has gone up and the court of appeal is active. Also all states are not common law states. However the appeal process is very slow and justice does not happen in any speedy way unless you can afford to control the process. Money talks in our justice system.

Eighth Amendment

8. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

We have lost the whole idea behind this amendment. There is much cruelty in our incarceration system with no help for the incarcerated. They are not given any education help and are turned out with no financial support. It seems that the incarceration is only part of their punishment. They have to keep paying even though their time has been served.

Ninth Amendment

9. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Today in these times this amendment is decimated by most of us. The government and most of us people look down on women, blacks, Latino, or any person that does not think the way we think they should.

The only answer I can think of here is the love of God should be exercised as much as possible.

Tenth Amendment

10. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This is a good right that indicates to me that the people have the power to run the states and the states gave that right to the Federal government which can be taken back if necessary by the states with a Militia organized by the states.

When one reads these Bill of Rights one understand how far we have strayed from original concept, but can also realize how far we have come. We don’t need a new constitution, but we do need to pass laws that support the concept given therein.

God and Country 7 Our Leaders

12 Jan

Out of three hundred and sixty million citizens of these United States we have chosen 1 to be our President, 50 to represent us in the Senate, 435 members of the House of Representatives to represent our needs and desires. These should be the brightest people schooled in government affairs of this nation.

To occupy the current seats having to be filled in the Senate and House in 2021 the candidates raise 2.4 billion dollars to oversee a 6.27 trillion dollar budget. Which means about 5.2 million for each candidate for a job that pays 174,000 per year. Of the 5.2 million dollars raised only about 2/3s of that is spent on candidate business. ?????

The question then becomes to be, did they run for office to help the people, get power, or is it for the money? This does not take into consideration the money and benefits coming from K Street.

I think we would be better off to give a qualified candidate a budget of 2 million dollars and eliminate any other contributions from any source and let the candidate make their case to the people.

There was a TV series recently about a HUD Secretary that became President due to a large explosion at the capital. He wasn’t a politician that was seeking office. He was an architect that did good work in his field and was appointed Secretary of HUD.

He really tried to do a good job, but in the end he had to become a politician to hold his position as president.

I don’t believe most House Representatives or Senators seek office for power or money to begin with. I think the office tends to corrupt

Honest people. Any more than you can put a child in a room full of candy and expect them to not take the candy, You cannot put an adult in a room full of power and money and expect them not to take some.

There is $ 6,270,000,000,000.00 they have to manage with the power to do it. What a candy store to put a person in with little supervision.

Our US Constitution is very solid, but it needs a justice department that will regulate defaults and a congress that will back them. Are you voters and non-voters willing to help. The help has to come from down here.

God and Country 6 Why We Came to be the United States of America

10 Jan

At this point I have to redirect the thinking of these writings back to the basic concept of why and how these United States were created. The Christian religion in the Middle East, Europe, and Russia was not moving forward with the love God intended. The transformation of the Jewish concept of how to worship God was not going the way it should have.

The earthly power of the Church was becoming more important than the reason for the Church. i.e. If the person being accepted by the Church did not accept the faith the way they were told, the Church might reject them. That idea had to be the reason we have many religions today. i.e. You have to do it our way or you are wrong.

Many religions today continue with that concept. The love of God “agape” is weak or is completely left out. Jesus, the son of God, did not teach anything like the religious prejudice we experience today.

The early settlers of the colonies experienced some freedom they had never felt before. More freedom to worship as they felt God guided them and freedom to live and prosper as never before. From the time the Pilgrim’s landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620 over the next hundred fifty years they experienced a new kind of life they wanted to keep alive.

While the were not perfect men, the men sitting in the Philadelphia Convention did not write and sign the Declaration of Independence for person wealth. They pledged their fortunes and their lives to the concept of freedom and their love of mankind.

Of course they believed they would be better off than when the war was over, but the also knew if they were to survive it would be with the help of the commoners that were identified in the document as We the People. The love of each other was born that day in America.

Now love has be reborn in congress and the voters, or we can lose this country. A country that the world looks to as a way to grow by loving everyone inside of outside our great country.

I became a Christian by believing in Jesus the Christ and picking up my cross of a sinful life and trying to live like Jesus did. I can’t do it, but because He gave me strength through His grace I do better than I could have alone. He gave me this country, and I want my children, great grand children, and my great great grand children to enjoy it.

This constant bickering that has nothing to do with God’s love has to stop. We have to agree to disagree, but compromise while living in the early world God gave us.

In the name of Jesus I ask God to give wisdom to the men and women Democrats, Republicans, and Independence that are now in leadership possessions. Amen