Archive | March, 2022

we are at war

18 Mar

It is evident that people have been targeted as civilians in Ukraine. Any other time we would be at war. What is the difference.

Jim Headrick

We are at war

12 Mar

We sometimes try to fool ourselves into believing that borders matter when people are attacked. In the Ukraine we have non Christians attacking Christians. There is no difference in this attack and the German attack on Poland in WWII.

I understand the nuclear risk but that is a minimal risk compared to the risk we face if we do nothing. Russia is weak in comparison to what they could be as they let the middle eastern counties join their rakes. when that happens a holy war is in place that we are not prepared for.

If we want to preserve our Christian ideals we have to act now. If we act in God’s name we will defeat the Muslum ideals that are using the Russian people to win their battle with our God.

It is clear to me that the Russian people do not support this action, otherwise the people from othe countries would not be needed. Now is the time to act.