God and Country 7 Our Leaders

12 Jan

Out of three hundred and sixty million citizens of these United States we have chosen 1 to be our President, 50 to represent us in the Senate, 435 members of the House of Representatives to represent our needs and desires. These should be the brightest people schooled in government affairs of this nation.

To occupy the current seats having to be filled in the Senate and House in 2021 the candidates raise 2.4 billion dollars to oversee a 6.27 trillion dollar budget. Which means about 5.2 million for each candidate for a job that pays 174,000 per year. Of the 5.2 million dollars raised only about 2/3s of that is spent on candidate business. ?????

The question then becomes to be, did they run for office to help the people, get power, or is it for the money? This does not take into consideration the money and benefits coming from K Street.

I think we would be better off to give a qualified candidate a budget of 2 million dollars and eliminate any other contributions from any source and let the candidate make their case to the people.

There was a TV series recently about a HUD Secretary that became President due to a large explosion at the capital. He wasn’t a politician that was seeking office. He was an architect that did good work in his field and was appointed Secretary of HUD.

He really tried to do a good job, but in the end he had to become a politician to hold his position as president.

I don’t believe most House Representatives or Senators seek office for power or money to begin with. I think the office tends to corrupt

Honest people. Any more than you can put a child in a room full of candy and expect them to not take the candy, You cannot put an adult in a room full of power and money and expect them not to take some.

There is $ 6,270,000,000,000.00 they have to manage with the power to do it. What a candy store to put a person in with little supervision.

Our US Constitution is very solid, but it needs a justice department that will regulate defaults and a congress that will back them. Are you voters and non-voters willing to help. The help has to come from down here.

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